Gulf Coast High School Tutoring Opportunities:
1. After-School Academic Excellence Program (Teacher-lead instruction with a focus on preparation for passing the upcoming Math and ELA graduation examinations)
9/3/24-9/30/24 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2:05-3:30 in the GCH Media Center
*Snacks are provided. Transportation home is not provided.
Permission Slip (Click Here) Submit to Guidance Office - Ms. Lopez
2. National Honor Society Student-lead assistance with a primary focus on providing academic support with completing class and homework assignments from (Math - Algebra or Geometry, English - Grade 9 & 10, or Science - Biology)
Begins on 10-20-24; During lunch in Ms. Bertuna's classroom (5-231) on Fridays.
Link to sign up for a tutoring session (will be added soon)
QR CODE (will be added soon)
Permission Slip (will be added soon)
3. National Spanish Honor Society (Student-lead assistance with a primary focus on providing academic support with completing class and homework assignments in any course for students whose primary language is Spanish).
Begins on 9-4-24;Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. During lunch in Ms. Gutierrez's classroom (5-124) or after-school via video conference.
Click Here or scan QR Code below to sign up for a tutoring session
Please reach out to your School Counselor if you need assistance with connecting with a tutor.